I finally got to talk to Mark. For however brief it was. He came online on MSN just now but we only got to talk for a few minutes cos he was coming online from work. It was a relief just knowing that he's alive, at the very least. Found out that he's been very busy and that he's been having a pretty lousy week. I don't know why though.. cos he wasn't online long enough for me to find out. Also, he left his handphone back in Miri and that's why he has not been getting any of the messages I've been trying to send him. I have to do something about his absent-mindedness. Well, I'm not exactly mad or angry at him for not calling. Just slightly disappointed and very worried.
He promised to call tonight. Well, he better..
I am rather curious how you can post pictures and yet write text in the same horizontal plane as the pic. Teach me 'o great wise one.
Cheer up aight...
no prob. i'll teach you when i see you online again. =)
yeah...teach me too. i need to know.
stef: uh.. really? but like, what for? do you have some secret blog that you've been hiding from the rest of us all this while?
hohohoh....the secrets friends keep from each other...
*saru-kun cannot be shut up*
i dnt hv a blog, but i like to learn things like that maa~~~ if not i feel stoopid (muka sik mok kalah). i just wanna know how to do these kinda stuff haha.
did he call? Hehe.
stef: i think u got some secret blog. but oklah.. these are the codes
(div style="float:left">(img src="http://bladeeblah....>(/div>
u gotta change all the ('s to the <'s cos the comment box wouldn't except the tag. and you can change the left to right if you prefer.
stranger: yeah, he did. he called up talking in some weird ass accent. -_-" it was very distressing. he says it got it from his collegues. now i don't want him working there anymore. :P haha. kidding.
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