Saturday, January 21, 2006

death, language, education

I'm supposed to be studying, but I'm not. I'm starting to fall asleep so I'm taking a break by blogging and hopefully I would be more awake by the end of this post. I don't drink coffee, see. =) I'm afraid to go online on MSN cos I know I might get caught up chatting and totally forget about my work. Well, what shall we talk about then?

I've always wondered, suppose someone close to you passes away.. and you got people coming up to you, saying how sorry they are to hear about it. What are you supposed to say back? "It's okay" just seems very out of place. Just a random thought. I wouldn't really know what to say either.

My mind's at a complete blank. I've nothing interesting to say nor to share. I guess I'll just rant. Ah, I feel like I'm losing my grasp of the english language. Everyday, I feel like I'm forgetting the language more and more. Pretty soon, I won't be able to communicate at all. I could probably start using Malay or Hokkien to communicate but I'm terrible at those languages. So, I have decided that one of my new year's resolution would be to be more articulate. It's frustrating, this feeling like I'm losing something more and more each day. Everyday, I find myself trying to explain something and I would just stop, because I can't think of the word to use although that word is right on the tip of my tongue. It's rather depressing, really.

Sometimes I wonder if I have some sort of leaning disability. Nah, maybe not. Sigh. Maybe I do. I can never focus long on my books. Unless it's something really interesting. I know I was really bad in school when I was young. I barely even remember what went on in the classroom. Most of the time, I just didn't get it. School was just someplace I had to go in the morning. I barely paid any attention in class cos I was always distracted by one thing or another.

Sitting still in class was another problem. I still have that problem. Try leaving me in a chair and watch me shift positions countless times every few seconds. I had terrible social skills. I was so shy that I was quiet almost all the time. I bullied the boys in my class. I don't know what for either. Maybe I used to know, but now I've forgotten. I'm just glad that most of them have forgiven me. I know from how they would comment, "Hey Kim! Remember me? You used to bully me so much that......." They have no idea how sorry I feel for them. I still have terrible social skills. I'm still shy. Though not as much as before. It's a work in progress. So.. if ever you see me, and I maybe look away from you, don't think that I'm being rude and too proud to say hi. I'm just too shy. It's not healthy, really.

Anyways, I know I just never got it. I never understood. I was so dumb and stupid. In the end, I had to be put in special classes. It was so humiliating. I hated it so much. Then one day, a light came on. A light which helped shed some light on things and helped me find a way. I just finally understood. I understood maths. I understood malay. I understood science. That damn electrician sure took his time!! It was weird, really. It was just so sudden. I don't know if other kids grow up the same way as I did.. but I know that that's what happened with me.

I still remember once, when I was young, I was sitting on my parent's bed, trying to do my maths homework. My mom noticed that I was struggling with it and she tried to help. But I was so stubborn, I wanted to do it alone. I ended up crying. Cried until I got tired and fell asleep. Woke up the next day with my homework all done. My parents helped finish it for me.

My mother mentioned last year that when I was young, I used to hate going to school and I would fight and scream and cry cos I did not want to go. She said it was cos of a teacher that hit me. The teacher hit me on my head and after that day, I never wanted to go back to school. Then my parents got that teacher fired. Hah! Too bad I don't remember anything about it at all.

However, by the end of secondary school, I was thought of as one of the smart, bright ones. Although I felt very much average and never good enough. Isn't it funny how a girl who once had to attend special classes ended up the way she did?

When university started, her world started caving in again. She could quite possibly be one of the worst students in the university. She's wasting her parents money and she knows it. She tries, but she doesn't try very hard. She's dependent and without someone to push her, she would never make it. It's not something she is very proud of either. She's trying to change all that. Hopefully, she would be able to make it.

She prays for people like her, cos she knows how hard it is to get through life with what she's been through. She knows that there are others who have given up for much much less. Pray for her, please?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess we are very much rocking the same boat...
Its funny how much of what you write, I can relate to.
So much so that its rather scary in one way and amusing the other way.
Don't know if you'd faham my ramblngs....I don't think my brain is functioning properly either. Its 4:30 in the morning...good night girl.
Thanks for the prayers by the way.
*pats head*smiles*

4:31 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

Haha.. I do faham your ramblings, as you put it. You're lucky... tomoro would be your last day of exams then you're done!! I still got a week to go. Just hoping that I would be able to make it through. My first exam's tomoro. =( Probably gonna be up all night studying. Bought a whole bunch of Red Bull in hopes that it would be able to help me stay up longer. Heheheh.
We're in the same boat, alright. =)

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Kim. Phoebe here. Ahah, I know how you feel about losing the grasp of speaking english because, I'm going through that now too...Kesian lah, the only language i can speak now is...??? I can't even blog in manglish/singlish, what more to say, malay and hokkien...and everytime i want to explain something, just like you, i would just stop, because i can't think of the word even though i feel that i know it.

sighhh, so no worries :P! ur not alone (haha, at last, i know, i'm not alone too muahahaha). oh yah, one more thing, ahah, when i want to communicate with my friends who don't know how to speak english, i can think of all the words i want to say! but when i want to speak english to my friends WHO KNOW ENGLISH,...haha, well you know! sheesh!

8:20 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

GASP!!! PHOEBE!!!! Haven't heard from you in so long. And it's so suprising to finally hear from you this way. i didn't even know u knew of my blog. lol!

Yes, i KNOW! frustrating, isn't it? don't you just want to cut ur tongue off so that you'd have an excuse for not being able to come up with the words cos u can't talk? hahaha. sorry, very saddistic, i know.

man... haven't heard from you in so long. how have you been?? how's that leg of yours? how were ur exams? what are u up to nowadays? are you gonna be continuing your studies soon? lol. byk questions eh. ;) hopefully, u would open up my comment box again and read it so that u will answer it. otherwise, skl... malu.

8:28 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

My mom has the exact same symptoms you have when it comes to language. She's so depressed sometimes because she is forgetting her words. Thing is though, she has altzheimer's. So she does have an excuse! haha

I get it too actually. When I speak english, the word comes to me in malay or chinese! So annoying! I just can't figure out the darned word in english. Conclusion? I get tongue-tied. I can completely symphatise with you here! Peace, sister!


12:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey. haha, yeapps, i've been reading your blog secretly, err, i think since u started this blog/something...i think you changed the template/skin more than five/six times already :P. I've been reading it since ur first template/skin. really long right?

yea, i haven't talked to you for ages already :P. i remember how we used to chat online all the time, last time, about the most random things ever, i wonder why we stopped?? anyway, i'm doing ntg at the moment :P, just lazing about, enjoying the hols while everyone else is slaving about, looking for new schools and jobs heh heh. i'll answer all your questions, when i meet you online or whenever. haha. maybe during free2be, if ur going/if i'm going.

anyway, see ya around!

5:11 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

jillian: uh.. maybe i'm experiencing some.. premature ageing.. and uh, yeah. so nyehh! >:P heheheheeh. (real mature or me, eh?) thanks for the prayer. =)

phoebe: *blink blink* oooooookay then. hahaha. i think i do recall me asking you to go read my blog back when we used to chat. a lot. :-/ i also wonder why we stopped. probably cos i started getting too busy and you stopped going online as often as you used to. i would probably be there. see u there then. ;)

10:31 PM  

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