Sunday, June 19, 2005

yesterday, i kept stepping in melted ice-cream

See the title of this post? Haha. Well, it's true. How distressing. It was like this yesterday...
Hmm.. how come my foot feels so sticky.. *lifts foot, looks to ground* Eww!! Yucks..
And then.. eh? Why so slippery?? *looks down* Eww!! *moves away*
Then.. walk walk walk... stop.. stand.. this ground feels funny.. *looks down* *groan* Oh, man.. not again! *lifts foot and starts trying to shake the ice cream off*
And so on and so forth~

Anyways! Hahaha.. that was so random, wasn' t it? I've been reading this guy's blog.. Kenny Sia and his blog is so interesting to read. Unlike mine! Oh man.. I wish I was more interesting. I know there's nothing wonderful about my life that's worth knowing about. I'm not wild. I'm not funny. I'm just blah.

Btw, this is gonna be one very rojak post. ;) Cos my mind's pretty messed up right now. Ka-chak!! Don't ask. I feel so... hyper hyper right now. Well, not really. Just.. messed up, I think.

Random childhood memory

I'm with stupid
I had to go for special classes especially for students who are weak in the Malaysian language. Which meant that I was in a class together with the international students. The Korean guy, the Japanese dude, and the ang moh kia (white boy). Hahaha. You know.. I had forgotten all about that until just the other day when my mother was telling her friend that I used to be very weak in Malay. Hmm.. *sinister grin* But in secondary school, I was kicking everyone else's butt in Malay. Muahahaha!! Well, not really. I mean, I was amongst the higher scorers lah! Haha. I was beating the people who actually spoke the language. No, I don't speak it. I have this heavily accented tongue which refuses to speak any other language other than english. Anyways, isn't it ironic? Heheh. It's a nice memory, that I know. Cos it was just plain embarassing that I had to go for special classes. =( But in the end, hehe.. yeah.. =)

Positive, what's that?
I've been trying my best to stay positive.. especially for the past few days.. I had to keep reminding myself.. to find the silver lining in everything that has been bringing me down. It used to work when I was a child. Life was so simple back then. That made it easier to find the silver lining. Life gets more and more complicated as we grow up. It works, some of the time.. however, when I get home.. ah.. everything just goes back downhill again. I've also been trying to find distractions or things to do to keep me busy.. to keep my mind off things. Works. But only when I'm busy doing things. It's like when you go for a movie.. you go into another world.. but when that movie's over.. it's back to your own lives.. back to the mundane. Sucks. Hah.

What do I look like?

Me? Ang mo?? Siaw ah!!
Hahaha.. people are always confused when it comes to what race I am. It's so funny. I know, it's hard to pinpoint what race I am. Cos I'm mixed. Proud to be mixed. Haha! But embarassed as well cos I have no idea how to speak either one of my parent's languages. My daddy's Bidayuh and my mom's Hokkien Chinese. At least I can still listen and understand Hokkien. Other than that. Sorry-lah!! Hahaha. I can't understand nor speak Bidayuh. Huhuhuu!! :'( Why am I writing about this now? Well, just the other day.. my friend was like, "You know.. you say your mother is chinese and your father is bidayuh.. but you look ang moh!" I was like this after that -> HAHAHAHA!! LoL. Yakah? Do I? Haha. I have no idea what other races they've called me before. Hahaha.. I remember one of my friends thinking I was Philipino cos of my eyes. Hehe. They thought I was Malay too. Haha. I was buying pork and they were like "Uh.. this is pork, you know?" Hahaha! No duh!! Of course I know. *rolls eyes* Chinese? What with people always coming up to my dad and me speaking to us in Chinese. Especially those shampoo girls, you know.. the ones that would stalk you in a supermarket with a product in hand? :P Haha. What else ah? Ermm... sometimes, people just plain out ask "Wei.. what race are you ah?!" with their eyes staring at your face, can see their brains actually working, trying to figure out what race I am. I would just feel like a deer in headlights then.. and I would just go.. "Uhh.. bidayuh? And uhh.. chinese? I'm mixed." In my mind: Why are you staring at me like that?? Aaaaahhh!!!! Stop it! Quit looking at me like that!!! In real life: *smile weakly and run off*

Okay.. I admit that was stupid
This post has been nothing but crap. I apologise. My mind has been pretty messed up over the past few days.. and hence, you guys got this. Muahaha.


Blogger Terence said...

never knew u were in some special class :P.. chowz!

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special class? Aww.. that makes you special. eheh.

You're chinese?!! Nvm that. :p

7:10 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

special is just another word for 'stupid retard' hah.

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No its not. Eh wait. It is! Lol

9:48 AM  

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