Sunday, September 04, 2005

hate to hate

Been feeling oh so lethargic and worn out today. I'm getting sick. No, not in that physical sense of falling sick with the flu or what not.

I'm getting sick of people. Seriously. I can't take it anymore. Why must you all come to me and tell me about the people you hate? About the people you dislike? I do not like listening to these kinda things. Well, I used to be a good friend and just listen. But honestly, I don't want to hear anymore.

Why must people hate? Why? Is there any good in it? I don't think so. Don't come to me and tell me that you hate someone just because of one lame incident. And just because of your one bad experience, you choose to look at that someone in a whole different light.

Look beyond that. Please. You are all adults. Grow up. Don't you think there could be a reason as to why someone acts the way they do? Why they treated you the way they did? Do you know? Do you really know? Maybe someone is just having a bad day. Or maybe that someone is going through something terrible. Who knows.. be compasionate. No one ever really wants to make enemies.

I'm tired of defending everyone. It's breaking me inside. Why can't we all just get along? Maybe you all don't know how strongly I feel about this.. but I'm crying as I write this. Hard to admit. But at least then you all know how much I hate this.

I hate to hate. But I'm hating this. But I hold no grudges against anyone. None.

If I ask you, "How well do you know this person?" and you can tell me that you know this person very well, yet you still hate him. Then, fine. I guess it's just not written in the stars then that you were both meant to get along. But if you tell me that you guess you don't know this person as much as you should, then I will not support you in your quest of hate.

So this is what I suggest. Try getting to know whoever it is you hate better. You may be suprised. Pleasantly suprised.

Do not dislike a person just because they are different from you. Appreciate the fact that you live in a world that is not only black and white but is filled with all sorts of wonderful colours which all makes life so worthwhile. If you did not undestand that, the colours refer to people and their different personalities, race, religion, nationalities. And who knows.. you may learn something.

Take for example, the picture I have included in this entry. Everyone has been telling me that it's scary and that they do not like it. People just aren't used to it. But maybe it is. But not from my point of view. I like this picture. Not because everyone else doesn't. But because it's different. It's not a bad thing to be different.

Please, don't be so closed minded. Regardless of what you think, close minded people aren't people who aren't the same as others. Meaning, if you don't follow what I do, example, taking drugs and what not, and you follow me, that I consider you an open minded person. And that if you don't, you are a closed minded person. No. A closed minded person is just someone who is unwilling to listen to reason and isn't open to ideas, suggestions, be it good or bad.

An open minded person is one who is able to listen, observe, and make their own choices about what they want in life. Even if they had a friend who was taking drugs. An open minded person needn't necessarily be someone who isn't able to make up their minds, who is incapable of doing what's right and thinking for themselves.

I realise that I just contrdicted myself by saying that I do not want to listen to anyone else who is about to complain to me about someone else that they know. It's not that at all. It's the fact that I'm tired of people thinking that they have every right to hate someone they do not know. And when I suggest to them that they get to know this person better, they have the immediate assumption that nothing good would come out of it. In other words, being closed minded.

You do not have to listen to what other people say about a person. You do not have to dislike a person just because your friends dislikes them. What are you so afraid of? That your friends may not like you anymore just because once you have gotten to know that person better, it turns out that they're alright and that your friends may have been wrong about the person?

I beg to differ, if your friends are truly your friends, they won't do something like that. They won't hate you too just for associating with people they dislike. But if they do, you got another thing to think about.. are they really your friends?

Make love, not war.

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries,
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one

- John Lennon - "Imagine"
(Right click and "Save Target/Link As" to download)


Blogger Zack_Tiang said...

haha... nice entry.

none sarcasm... honestly..

10:26 PM  
Blogger KiMMerLiCiouS said...

use so much big words~ :P dah la i was blur.. so.. dono la.. :P but glad u let it all out..

8:37 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

haha.. kim, you're so funny. :P

i just hope whoever reads this gets something from it.

and those who have been complaining to me about other ppl.. prasan that this entry is especially for them.

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that's how it is!

*Two thumbs up!*

10:12 AM  
Blogger me_yasmin said...

yeah!! go, kimi!! *starts waving pom poms about*

11:15 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

mimin, i can't... imagine. hahahahahaa! no, i guess i can. ahahaha.

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and i couldn't agree more. however i've to admit, people are imperfect. i am imperfect.
as much as i hate to hate, as much as you do, i still succumb to its devilish power. i still mock and curse, especially when aggravated by anger or jealousy.... but not without remorse....

1:43 PM  
Blogger ALANTSH said...

found that your this entry is really meaningful and no doubt, i agree with you.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Meaningful indeed

9:49 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

jawing: at least you feel guilty after. i do not mean to say that i myself have never cursed anyone either. just as long as you do try to fix it after.. then it's fine.. but if you don't.. if you're too egoistic to even apologise.. yeah, that's where you're wrong.

alan & roger: thanks. =)

11:12 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

PS. did any of you notice that you could actually have a listen to/download the Imagine song? that's actually why there's a link there. :P

11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in cases, it's not ego that stops me from apologizing, but rather the embarassment... the fear of being proven wrong... wait a minute, that is ego! what am i saying?
fix, maybe not. but i would admit to it that i may be wrong bout some people.... because, like i said, people are imperfect...

4:03 PM  

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