Friday, September 30, 2005

it was all due to the intense training and my unfalthering spirit

My narutarded friend, Syafiq, of Read If You're Dumb Enough, is a narutard. What is a narutard you all ask? Well, according to

Narutard is a derogatory term applied to otaku fans of the anime title Naruto. It is a word play on the combination of naruto and retard. This term surfaced during early 2004 at the beginning of the anime's popularity in America and characterizes the behavior of Naruto fans as being so blindly devoted to the series (with an almost religious cult-like fervor) that they act incredibly stupid and can be confused with retarded (er, mentally challenged) persons.

This is mostly seen on internet forums and chat services such as IRC, where the Naruto series is a constant source of debate. Many narutards dress as their favorite character during conventions or festivals to display their metal head bands, which are worn by characters in the series as a sign of gang affiliation. One characteristic of a narutard is that they will wear just a head band over their street clothes and tell everyone that they are cosplaying. Serious cosplayers who wear costumes that cost hundreds of dollars in raw materials and took weeks to construct generally consider narutards to be anywhere from merely ignorant to downright insulting.

With the license acquisition of Naruto in early 2005 by ShoPro Entertainment, many narutards spawned numerous forum discussions debating the impact of the deal, from the legality of trafficking amateur subtitled copies of the title (something which should be pretty obvious, especially once American distribution rights had been acquired) to a grass-roots petition begging Cartoon Network and ShoPro / Viz to retain the full integrity of the anime during its adaptation into English. However, as with many Japanese series adapted into English, there are legal and other issues which often make it difficult if not impossible to produce a rendition faithful enough to appease purists.

Most narutards are, unsurprisingly, also purists when it comes to adapting Naruto into English. Allegedly, a few narutards boasted of their intention to engage in physical vandalism, DDoS, and other assaults toward ShoPro and Cartoon Network. Other alleged proposals included a petition and hunger strike camping out in front of these companies' offices
"naruto is the best anime in the world"
"naruto rocks"

- Narutard,

Commonly used in reference to a Naruto fanboy, who typically joins a channel that fansubs said anime to ask stupid questions.

Is Naruto 1999 out yet?!?!
@find Naruto 1999
Can someone send me naruto 1999?
which bot has naruto 1999?
When does naruto GT come out?

Anyways, here's proof that he's a narutard. =)

Haha. Naw! He doesn't look like that in person, okay? He's not that much of a narutard. He just edited one of his pictures after recently dicovering the joys of PhotoShop and seeing how PhotoShop is able to let him express the Narutard within. See?

Yeah, that was his original picture. So I sent him one of mine to mess around with. Heck, you know. Kekeke.

That's the picture I sent him. Me and my fat head. Hah!

And so, first step, is to make me look like a fat headed freak with red eyes.

And then it was time for me to get my cloak. Muahaha!

Then it was time to style it up with some fiery background with me looking oh-so-cool and not bothered by the skin melting inferno at the back.

Tadah! So how? Nice or not? Haha. Anyways, after that, Syafiq wanted to try us being a double-team. So... he tried this out at first.

But it looked kinda weird. So he changed it to this.

Hah! Where I am the bigger, more lihai person, superhero that I'm in the foreground and he's the weak, scared, wimpy sidekick that he has to go in the background. Lol. Just kidding.

Anyways, the whole point of posting this up was to get comments. So please? We just wanna know where or what aspects could be improved on. I know that we gotta get better models, so other than that... Hehe. Thanks!


Blogger Zack_Tiang said...

Your 'Narutarded' face makes you look like you don't have a nose.. haha.

And his is too pale/fair/white...

Maybe.. instead of brown shadings around the eyes.. try greyish...

but then I'm not familiar with what photoshop can do.. so I just suggested what I thought could be improved so that it looks nicer.

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice!!I like the last picture.

7:35 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

macam blog dier pulak..

yeah, i noticed that i lost my nose. but it's still okay. i'm alright with it anyways. =)

and you should be talking to him, not me. cos i didn't edit those pics. i only posted it up cos he wanted to hear comments on his pics.. and uh.. yeah, i guess the ppl who come to my blog rajin comment all the time.

yeah, you guys rock. hehehe.

10:02 PM  
Blogger me_yasmin said...

eeeiiiii!!!!! me likey the pics! 'specially the last one!

i have photoshop CS, but have yet to discover her full potential :p

11:02 PM  
Blogger WaNiDuCkiE said...

Yeah yeah last pic is nice...but kan...shud make kim's nose like fiq's nos...macam ada shading bah.....the rest all okeh~ hehehe

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, everyone else has mentioned it... yep, its the nose..... its out of proportion. it makes you look like one of those local cartoons with no nose... yokies!

11:23 AM  

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