Monday, January 31, 2005

middle person

Lately, since my grandma is here.. whenever I'm alone with either my mom or my grandma, I'd be listening to them bitch about each other all the time. Haha. It's so funny. What do you think? Is it nice being the middle person being able to hear all the bad things about the other person? But I guess it could be pretty stressing too. Especially when you gotta take sides. When one of them asks you about their opinion on the other person and goes "Right?" then you're in big trouble especially when you really don't wanna take sides.

Well, Rafie and I are still together. I'm gonna try my best. I really don't want to let him go actually.. but I don't know.. I just somehow felt like we were stuck..? That we couldn't move forward from here on? That all we are left with are fights, disagreements, hurt. But he's convinced me that it's not like that at all. =) He was right.. it's our human nature to focus on the bad things in life and to forget all the good times we had when we're not in the right mood.

PS. We got a new fridge yesterday. We all didn't even know about it. Only my parents knew. When Aaron and I got home, we were all like, 'Eh? Where did that fridge come from??'. Even Andy, who had been home when the fridge was delivered was all like, 'Eh? Whose fridge is this?'. Even my grandma was suprised at how it just managed to appear out of nowhere just like that.


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