Wednesday, March 16, 2005

hyper hyper!!

Hehehe... I don't know why.. but I'm feeling hyper tonight. Gahhh... maybe they spiked my coke. They being the higher powers of They. Muahaha!! Hahaha.. isn't it just funny the way people sometimes just say things like "Oh, They all say wan" like there exists a higher power.. namely They. Hahaha. I don't know if I'm even making any sense at the moment.

Anyways, went to watch Hide and Seek just now with Wani and Aaron. Hehe.. and damnit.. it was sooooo cold in the theatre. I was shivering throughout the entire movie. And no, it wasn't because I was scared. It was because it was so friggin' cold. We went for the 7.15 movie which finished at about 9. Weird... I actually didn't think my mom would've let me out. But then again, I was going with Wani and I invited Aaron to come along as well. Haha. I actually invited him cos I felt bad that our whole family went to watch Robots without him. Hahaha. It was a good movie, I suppose. Except that.. it seems like all the horror movie that have been coming out from the US of A all use the same storyline!! Like, wtf?? Hahaha. Skip this next bit if you don't wanna know what I'm talking about. Cos I'm sorta spoiling the ending for those who might not have watched it yet.

Well, it seems as though the movie uses the same storyline as Secret Window and Madhouse. Both were of the same genre, horror/thriller. Both featured mad/crazy schizophrenics. All of whom thought that there was some unseen killer out to get them which in the end, turns out to be themselves. And just before they realise that it was them who had killed everyone, there's the usual flash flood of memories of what happened. Images of themselves killing those other innocent victims. Haihh.. Hahaha. But it was alright. Hehe. I got to watch my fave actress, Dakota Fanning. Why is she my fave? I just really admire her for her talents. Which is really huge for someone her age. I just really hope she doesn't grow up to be really spoilt and all that. Or turn into some kinda slut. Like, Christina Ricci. Hahaa. I don't know lah.. she just really seems like one. But yeah, whatever. All the best to Dakota Fanning.

Haha. There ya go. Highlight it if you just can't stand it and just HAVE to know what I wrote. Hahaha. As if I ever have anything interesting to say. And you know what's funny.. Wani and I seem to always read each other's minds. Hahaha. You'll probably hear us go "Hey, I was about to say that! You read my mind again" while you're around us. Hahaha. I always joke around and say that it's cos I'm psychic. Yeah yeah.. Hahaha. But who knows.. maybe I am? Hehehe.. cos I'm always beating Wani to it. As in, always saying things first.

Know what, I really think that sometimes I just don't know when to shut up. Hahaha. Sometimes I just seriously speak my mind. I have no idea how many times already I've come to close to saying things to my family like "Oh yeah! I've seen that movie already.. and you know what.. in it... bla bla bla" which really kinda.. puts me in danger cos then they'll know that I was at the movies and stuff when I probably shouldn't be. Hah!! Or like the other day.. when they were all talking about the missing guy in Niah.. I almost blurted it out and said "Yeah, but.. while I was there.. I saw all the police and army guys there too.. I think they were gonna go look for the guy" OMG. What if I HAD said that eh?? Hahaha. I'll be in such deep shit. Hahaha. I stopped myself just in time. I actually did..? Hahaha. But I only said like "Yeah, but....." then I just stopped. Then my mom asked "But what..?" Aduh. Think fast! "Oh, I was just about to say that the missing guy wasn't from my friend's XPDC group but I already said that before so I just stopped." Hahaha!! Lame!!! But at least I didn't blow it. Phew!~ Hahaha. After that.. I just decided to stop talking for the rest of the night. Takut already. Haha!

Well, that's all from me now. Wow.. that's long. And it's all crap. AMAZING. What to do.. have to practice what.. now that have to write essays and shit again. Haihhh... learn how to write a whole load of crap. Muahaha!! Well, yeah. Toodles!~


Blogger WaNiDuCkiE said...

damn i wish i can blog....

1:05 AM  

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