Tuesday, February 14, 2006

is this the way it feels to be sad?

A million thoughts swirling through your mind, tears prickling at the sides of your eyes, threatening to roll down your face at any moment, the heat you felt on your cheeks, turning your whole face red, the way you bit your lip, to stop the tears from falling, but they wouldn't stop, so you tried to wipe them away with the back of your hand.. but there was no disguising your voice..

You stuttered, and your words came out all mumbled because you were not able to speak them properly with all the hurt that you felt in your heart.

I watched over you as you couldn't hold it in any longer and the tears came pouring out, I saw the way you slumped over leaning against the wall in the corner of your room with your legs to your chest and your arms around them with your head down.. hugging yourself because you didn't have anyone else to do it for you.. You choked on your sobs as you tried to stop them, and your body shook..

Your head was filled with thoughts that only made you cry harder.. I reached out and touched you, but my presence went unnoticed.. I whispered to you that everything would be alright and that you just needed to have faith.

Why is it that you continue to feel betrayed? Helpless? Useless? Why are you being so hard on yourself? Is it because you believe that you deserved it anyway? Cheer up.. you're not as useless as you believe yourself to be.. you just haven't found it yet.. everyone has a purpose in life.. some find it sooner, and it may take time for others to figure out what their purpose is.

But you continued feeling helpless, useless, because that's what people think of you.. and you've just proved them right again.. But I know that you've got it in you to prove them wrong.. you just needed that extra push.. a silent supporter, you don't need anyone telling you what to do, you know what to do..

So go on.. do what you got to do..


Blogger Kim said...

stef?! i only posted this like, a minute earlier. *shocked*

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the familiar feeling i have now and then...

10:38 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

eh, peliknyer.. my comment came before yours. lol.

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cheer up....

as long as you still can taste the smell of the air....

you still have your time to make a change...(hey, at least you r still younger than your uncle)

-what does not kill you makes you stronger-

11:42 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

saru-kun: ... =) *hugs*

fragile_prism: u know what.. ure right.. i can still do this.. tq, uncle hiew. hehe..

12:00 AM  

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