Sunday, February 26, 2006

the five people you meet in heaven

I just finished reading The five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom. Read it all in one night. It's not actually my book. It belongs to one of Mark's friends. Heheheh... we were all out today when he bought the book. He only bought it cos I introduced it to him. After that, he lent it to me cos he's currently reading other books and he doesn't want to be distracted and start reading this one. So I said I would take it, to save him from himself. =)

I find the book rather morbid. It starts with a death and throughout the whole book, it talks about death. And in the end of the book, there's also mention of death. So yes, death death death. If I wasn't depressed already before reading the book, I would definitely be depressed by the end of it. But since I already was depressed, well, it just made me depressed-er. Yes yes, I know the proper way of putting it would've been "it just made me more depressed." but it's my blog and I'll write the way that I want to, I'll write the way that I want to, yeah!

But the book is interesting, nonetheless. Eventhough it's written rather ordinarily, the story is still good. It's about life and how everyone is connected one way or another. Even if one has never met another in their entire life, their lives can still be connected, and one person's life affects the other whether it be in some tremendous way or not.

"No life is a waste," the Blue Man said. "The only time we waste is the time spent thinking we are alone."

- Mitch Albom, "the five people you meet in heaven"

"Life has to end," she said. "Love doesn't."

- Mitch Albom, "the five people you meet in heaven"

And yeah, since it's so much about death, it feels to me so much like a morbid book. There are times while reading the book in which I felt guilt for the lead character, I felt his lonliness, I felt his sadness, I felt his desperation, his fear, the love he had for the girl he met, who in turn became his gf who later on became his wife.

Alright. Well, I'm gonna have to pass this book back to it's rightful owner soon. Hehe. I need to get more books to read. I think I'm going back to my bookwormy ways. =) And yeah, that's why I haven't been online much lately. Unhappy with life, so I've resorted to books. Cos books let me live the lives of others. Even if they're unhappy with their own. At least it's somewhat different than mine. Lalala. So what if I'm being so overly emotional. To bleaugh with you.

I'm wondering who my five people might be.


Update: Apparently, there's a made for TV movie on the book made by the BBC. Hmm. Watch the preview here (150k) or here (300k).



Blogger Kim said...

a purpose driven life, eh? hmmm... i'll keep an eye out for it then.

heheheh.. thanks for the suggestion. :D

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ay....... u thought the book was morbid? now that's depressing. i think its rather good. philosophical.. makes sense....
nonetheless, we're all entitled to our own opinions

12:49 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

morbid cos i was reminded about death throughout the entire book. morbid cos it's so sad to see the way those people died. morbid cos he led such a sad life. yeah, it makes sense. i'm not saying that it's entirely morbid. haha. just mostly.

10:29 AM  
Blogger Without Artistic Restriction said...

Yeah. i got that book too. my mum gave it to me before i came back to miri. finished it in one night too. it's a very nice story actually, makes me reflect that i should see life with a lighther point of view. still trying actually.

1:09 PM  

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