Wednesday, February 16, 2005

WARNING : Rambling detected. Proceed? (Y/N)

For this entry, I shall be doing a lot of rambling. Thou has been warned. Last Saturday, my mom dragged me out along with my dad, my aunt, and my cousin to Bintang Plaza. I really didn't want to go. But she said that she wanted to get me new bedsheets since they were having sales. So I thought, oh well, might as well just go. Oughta supervise before she gets me something horrid. So I went. And was reminded once again of why I despise going to malls or even just going out on weekends. The CROWDS!! Argh!! Especially that whole Teen Scene thing. It just grosses me out. Why? They're all dressed alike. They all act alike. OMG. I totally lost count of how many girls I saw wearing that same plaited mini skirt. I still remember that phase they all had where they all wore the same shirts. The same styled shirt. The striped one with a white collar. Only that the stripes came in different colours. >.< And actually, they're just intimidating. Just cos I'm not like them. I wouldn't wanna be just like them anyway. Can you imagine.. just being a photocopy of other people your age? Without a sense of individuality? Style? It's just like.. you don't have a brain. You aren't able to make your own decisions so you depend on others to make them for you. And you strive so hard to be like others you're just not special anymore.

Anyways, hmm.. what else was I gonna ramble about...? Oh yeah.. I still haven't opened any of my angpows. Why? No mood. Heh. Seriously, I couldn't care less about them. Don't know why.. I suppose it's cos of all the things that's been going on lately. I know from my siblings that I'm probably gonna get more than I've ever remembered getting this year. Not saying how much though. :P Heh.. but still, the thought of it doesn't even excite me. Seems wasted huh? Oh well.

Sigh.. I don't know how long before I would be able to get over what's happened lately.. I really can't help but blame myself for everything. Rafie says I shouldn't.. that it's not my fault. But I know it is. Heh.. you could say I've been traumatised. I don't know. Just can't stop thinking about it.. and I'm living in constant fear that.. it might happen again. I'm just hoping that everything would go back to normal one day. Heh.. was thinking of all those times Rafie and I spent together. The first time we met in person. Couldn't stop grinning my head off... remembering all the fun we had. And then I remember what happened just recently.. and.. I just lose it. Heh.. but enough. I'm trying to not think about it so I better stop talking about it.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Oh, go check this out --> Everyone Has Had More Sex Than Me. Hehehe. It's hilarious. Cute too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wahahhaha!! your alter ego here just messing about with the comment board. nice!! and YES, proceed. Thy puny rambling is no scarier to me than purple bunnies living on pink trees. Oooh.. Dr. Sueus! Err.. if that's how you spell it.

10:36 PM  

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