Friday, February 18, 2005

twin cancerous tigers - funny logic

Well, my little sister exclaimed yesterday while we were in the car on the way back from dinner that all her friends in school thought I was her twin sister. Haha! Aren't they so adorable? They all met me the other day when I came by Andy's school to join her for break. I sat at one of the tables at the canteen together with them. Why was I there? Well, my mom forced me to go join her for break actually cos my little sister apparantly wanted me to be there with her for some reason. It didn't seem like she needed me there at all anyway. When I arrived at the school, I saw several other mothers driving into the school, getting out of their cars, bringing along packed lunches, drinks, etc. -_-" Can't help thinking how spoilt these kids are. Their mothers come all the way from home.. just to meet them here for their 15/30 minute break. They're all in primary school now. I'm sure they would all be able to take care of themselves.

Anyways, they all said I was her twin sister cos apparently we both looked alike. Haha. So then my mother said, "How can you both be twins? Kim is bigger than you. So you both can't be twins." To which I then said, "Yalah.. we can't be twins, Andy. I'm younger than you." Haha.. Andy was all like, "How can? You're bigger so you're older!" I then proceeded to explain to her how it could be so.

Me: Andy, you're born in the year of the tiger, right?
Andy: Yes.
Me: Well, I'm also born in the year of the tiger. So we're both born in the same year, right?
Andy: Right.
Me: Your birthday is in June, and mine is in July. And July comes after June, right?
Andy: Right.
Me: So... that means that I'm younger than you.
Andy: Oh, okay.

Oh man! Don't you just love playing and messing with their heads when they're young?? Hahaha! Hehehe! >:) Actually, Andy and I are born almost exactly 12 years apart. Our birthdates are just off by exactly one week. Hehehe.

Oh well.. anyway, this evening we would all be going for our mom's family day thing. Aaron and I are gonna be helping out with the face painting. Mom, as usual, volunteered us again. Just like the last time at my dad's family day. Oh well. At least we get to massacre their faces. >:) Voluntary victims too.

Heh.. and oh man! My blog is starting to get all jiwang and mushy. *shudder* Hahaha! I creep myself out sometimes. :P Oh well. Hehehe. Rafie looked so smart today. ;) Hehehe. He was wearing a tie and all that. Going for a day of work at the office. Awww... so cute. His parents just asked him to help out around the office today. So.. yeah. Hehe. When it was almost time for him to go..

"Okay, dear. I have to go to work now."

"Alright. Have a nice day at work."

Can you imagine?? Hahaha. We sound so old like that. =) *muse* Can't wait? Hahaha! Well, gotta go now. Picking mom up from hair salon. >:) With the Honda Stream. My dad would proably freak if he finds out. Nyeheheh!!


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