Barely slept the night before cos it was either I was too excited about our trip to the longhouse or I was too stupid and lost track of time again and ended up barely sleeping. Muahaha. At least it made sure that I was able to wake up on time. Unlike some people….. *cough cough*
Azie *cough cough*
Jimmy. Heheheh.
Running out of the house, wet hair and all.Wani came round at 7.30am to pick me up from my house first. Then we went over to
Azie's place to pick her up. And guess what. She just woke up.
Aduh aduh. But it's okay. =) So we waited for her. When she was done, we all made our way to campus.
We all went to campus to check out the bus number plates since we won't be following the bus to the place. The place being
Rumah Panjang Entulang. Why not you ask? Well, cos the rest of them would be staying over and well, my mom would not let me stay overnight. =( As for
Azie and
Wani, it's cos it was puasa month so they weren't comfortable having to stay overnight. As for
Jimmy, he was just a sissy. Heh heh.
Camera whores. Me, Azie, Wani.Anyways, saw the other people there wearing the new
CV! t-shirt. Started panicking. Like, how come we don't have those t-shirts too?? Are we really a part of the group going to the longhouse?? Before,
Mr Abel said that we're not allowed to go unless we stay overnight.
Wani, Azie, and I had already given up on the idea of going after we heard him saying that. But
Jimmy was just too persistant in us going. No idea why? Heh. Anyways, later on
Jimmy said that they're allowing us to come along. So, okay.. go only
Azie, Wani, and I then went to find
Tiang to pay him for the trip. Since we won't be staying overnight, we didn't have to pay the full price. After that, we left campus to go pick
Jimmy up. Went all the way to
Taman Tunku where his house was. Stopped by the nearby
Servay to pick up some junk food (which we all ended up
not taking) for the trip over.
We saw a lot of trees on the way over.Then we drove down to
LAKU where we waited for the buses. We did not have to wait for long. Good for us. Heheh. So followed them from behind. Finally, we arrived at the place, we turned into this dirt road where there was a sign saying that further in is
Rumah Panjang Entulang. However, we had to wait by the main road because our CV! President,
Daryll How got a flat tyre. While waiting, we also changed into the new CV! shirts which we all got eventually.
Where's our president??Eventually he came along. While waiting for him I went up to
Tiang and talked to him. Asked him what
Mr Abel thought of us tagging along eventhough we were not gonna stay overnight. And he said,
"Actually, Mr Abel doesn't really care about you guys." ....... so
kejam... Ouch. That hurt.
Have to
tebalkan muka more now. Now that I know we are not welcomed. So we went along the dirt road which seemed to stretch forever. I guess it's cos we all just couldn't wait to get to the place. We got there soon enough. Before we all died from excitement. I've never been to a real longhouse before you see. Plus, I love exploring new places. So yeah, I couldn't wait to get there!
We're finally here!!We then proceeded to the longhouse where they had a welcoming ceremony just for us. I'm not gonna go into the details cos I didn't get to witness the welcoming ceremony properly. Was just too far back to see anything. =( For a more detailed version, go to
Zack Tiang's page.
Kak Deb is getting impatient. (Sabar is translated as patience)
Welcoming ceremony with the village elders.
Tuak, Ask For More.I got my first taste of tuak, which is also known as rice wine, there. And it wasn't so bad. The first one I had anyway. Cos it was just so nice and sweet. The one I had after that was not as sweet but it was not so bad either. They just kept offering us glass after glass of tuak. *shakes head*
We then headed into the house for a 2nd welcoming ceremony. Heheh.
The loooooooooong corridor.
One of the little boys that lives at the longhouse. I took this pic, okie? Not Wani. Tsk tsk. She's just trying to claim the glory.
The second welcoming ceremony.
I think Tiang called it a Miring session.After that, we all walked over to the village school to have lunch which they had prepared for us. Yum yum! But before that, we took some group pictures! After that, it was off to work. I volunteered to help out with the mural painting.
The school's arch.
Paintings from students past.
Lousy group picture.
Oh, the embarrassment. At the expense of you guys. L to R: Tiang, Me, Azie.
First you eat.
Then you poop. (Translated: "Teacher, may I go to the toilet?)
Here's the mural, before we ruined it.
Ruining it.
Stop staring at my ass. Hahahahahaha.
One of the cikgu (teachers) had to close his eyes to avoid temptation. Hiak hiak hiak. Nolah, he was just pretending to be shy. Cuteeeeeeee!
This baby was cute too! And I'm putting this pic up just cos I can. And cos I can't resist babies. She and Iqbal were both making faces at one another.
While we painted, some slept. This is just one of them. Vijay.
The sleeping live their lives on the edge! Btw, Iqbal was just dancing and tried to step on Vijay's head but missed.
Other sleepyheads. Left: Mr Benet Leong, our Student Council president. Middle: Jimmy, sissy. Heheheh. Right: Hiro, our Japanese friend.And well, we didn't finish the painting. Cos we all just either got bored or tired. Heheh.. plus, it was hard painting that thing.... everyone else got distracted and one by one went off to either play soccer or basketball leaving a small handful of us to finish up the painting. Which we didn't do either. Heheheh. The small handful of us are
Alan, Wani, Azie, Tiang, and
I.After that it was dinner time. We went back to the longhouse to freshen up and then it was back to the school kitchen for dinner. The food was fab. Yum. After that, it was time to go back home. Heheheh.. it was already about
7-8pm by the time we left. Hung out at
Jimmy's place for a bit cos
Wani was in dire need of a toilet. *shakes head* Btw,
Alan followed us back cos he saw that all of us were not going to stay overnight so he decided he did not want to stay back either. Haih.
While we were there, I used
Jimmy's pc whilst the rest of them had a few rounds of UNO. Was actually in a hurry to get back so that I can call
Mark to tell him that I was home. But he called first. While I was still at
Jimmy's house.
Anyways, right before we were to leave, I found this dead
cicak or gecko on
Jimmy's rattan mat in his living room. Then
Azie picked it up and started waving it about in my face!! Ewwwwwwww..... I screamed!! Or at least.. as close to a scream as I could get cos I can't really scream. It's not that I'm afraid of geckos.. they're just so disgusting.. ew ew ew. With their brown soft bodies... and tails that can come off... and their icky heads. Yucks. But nooooooooooo.....
Azie didn't just stop there. I took off running and she chased me with that stupid
cicak still in her hand!!!!!! How can she TOUCH that thing?! What's worse, I was wearing socks, so there were a couple of times where I slipped and almost killed myself but noooooooo.... that was not enough for
Azie. No, oh no, oh no. At one time, while I was regaining my balance from another slip, she decides to fling that stupid
cicak at me! And I ducked like it was a matter or life and death. I swear I almost cried. I was
terrified!!! Yes, I'm terrified of geckos, alright? I have a phobia with geckos. =(
Went home after that.. with
Azie who kept trying to touch me with that hand which held the stupid
cicak. Stupid
cicak!! Stupid
Azie. =(
Reached home after
11pm. Close to midnight. The end.
Other people who wrote about the Longhouse Visit:
Wani -
Longhouse VisitThe Hybrid -
Memories back at the longhouse--------------------